
A Non-Disclosure Agreement protects your ideas, trade secrets, proprietary information and intellectual property. It's essential to have a signed NDA before disclosing or making available any such information to others.



Who Is This Template For?

Anyone entering into a business partnership or disclosing confidential information in anticipation of a business relationship.

Arguably your intellectual property is your most important business asset. To protect your ideas, your products and your programs, you need to use a Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA) to keep that proprietary information safe. Having a NDA will protect your information when you want to share it for certain purposes, but want to keep it confidential and/or restrict access to or by third parties.

What's On The Template?

The template includes all the legal language you need including:

  • Customizable Terms
  • Discloser & Recipient Guidelines
  • Term
  • Intellectual property protection
  • More *awesome* legal protections for you

What’s Included? 

✔️Automatically Downloaded Template in Word file format

✔️Directions on how to customize the template for your business and jurisdiction