Independent Contractor Agreement


Whenever you are working with anyone outside of your business who is providing services and/or support to you, you need a written agreement.



Who Is This Template For?

You... when you're working with anyone who is providing services for you such as a VA, OBM, Social Media Manager, or any other team member or contractor who is working independent of your business. 

An independent contractor agreement is essential if you are hiring someone to work with or for you on a hourly/part-time/project basis or if you are the person providing services. 

Having this contract is vital for any business. Whenever money is involved – a written contract signed by both parties is so important to protect you. And frankly, without one you are taking a huge risk (with your time, money, intellectual property, and frankly your entire business)! 

What's on the template?

The template includes all the legal language you need including:

  • Customizable Terms
  • Addenda for specific services and fees
  • Payment parameters
  • Term and termination
  • Intellectual property protection
  • More *awesome* legal protections for YOU

What’s Included? 

✔️Automatically Downloaded Template in Word file format

✔️Directions on how to customize the template for your business and jurisdiction