Affiliate/JV Agreement


Whenever you are working with anyone outside of your business who is providing services and/or support to you, you need a written agreement.



Who Is This Template For?

You... when you're working with someone else to promote and sell your products or programs, whether as part of a launch or in connection with ongoing, evergreen sales.

Having this agreement is essential for any individual or business who has JV or affiliate partners. Whenever money is involved – a written contract signed by both parties is so important to protect you. And frankly, without one you are taking a huge risk (with your time, money, intellectual property, and frankly your entire business)! 

What's on the template?

The template includes all the legal language you need including:

  • Customizable Terms
  • Promotion and Marketing Provisions
  • Payment parameters
  • Term and termination
  • Intellectual property protection
  • More *awesome* legal protections for YOU

What’s Included? 

✔️Automatically Downloaded Template in Word file format

✔️Directions on how to customize the template for your business and jurisdiction